Wednesday, January 30, 2008

President Hinckley

I wanted to take the time to say how much I love President Hinckley. It was such a shock to hear about his death on Sunday. I felt almost guilty because I didn't cry, but I felt sick- like my stomach had turned upside down and for a brief second I couldn't breath. I couldn't sleep well that night and I didn't know why until I remembered to say my prayers and read my scriptures.

The next day in seminary my teacher really put it in perspective. I mean, I always knew and understood the phrase "They're in a better place." or "They're really happy now." But he told us that Pres. Hinckley was having a hay day on the other side. He was seeing his family, his friends, but who else? I bet he's already high-fived all the other prophets all the way down to Adam!! And Joseph Smith, I bet they had a LOT to talk about!! And even better, Our Savior!!! I bet they've been able to hang out for a while!! Anyway, I thought it was cool- the way Brother Taylor put it.

*Thank you President Hinckley for everything you've done for the church as a whole and me as an individual.*


Anonymous said...

I'm sure your ACT scores are fine. Crime and Punishment is great if you ignore all the wordiness. I'm sorry about President Hinckley btw... anyway, what have you been up to?

Anonymous said...

OMG! YOU SAW PIPPIN? wat day did you go? did you like it? it was so amazing I love the way Mr. Long directs. YOU'RE GOING TO NEW YORK!?! awesome! : ) I can't believe you didn't tell me that you went to my school to see it... im so mad at you right now.

Felicia and/or Rae said...

I know totally how you felt about President Hinckley. I didn't really cry until I said my prayers, and then again in seminary when we watched the KSL biography on him (our seminary recorded it.) It was a total shock. You kinda expected him to last forever, huh? But your sweethearts sounds like fun. Did you mean the Rylee (sp?) and Morgan's older brother Tanner? And what Eric? Haha I'm so curious. I hope you have a fantabulous time, love. :)

Kay said...

I'm glad your seminary teacher put things in prospective for you. We will all miss President Hinkley because he was such a "people person". He IS in a far better place. Love, Grandma