Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Seven Random Facts?

I guess I've put off doing this for too long. Coco tagged me to write seven random facts about me. At least I think that's what it was, but anyway, here they are.

1. I love musicals. Sometimes my mother gets mad at me for singing and dancing to the same broadway classic over and over. My favorite broadway play is The Scarlet Pimpernel, although I will confess I have never seen it, but I do know every song sung in it.

2. I've been suffering from a sore throat and cough these last couple of days, and a couple of days ago my mom bought me some medicine stuff that numbs your mouth and the pain in your throat. I figured they were just like cough drops, so I had five in one hour. (The box said to only take one every two hours.) To say the least, I was VERY loopy working on my book project at 1:00 in the morning, and I honestly don't know how I got through it with out falling dead asleep.

3. I'm a sucker for classical romance. My personal favorites will always be Jane Austen's six novels, but I also love Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre and Charles Dicken's A Tale of Two Cities. Not to mention Little Women, The Inheritance, AHHHHH! Never mind I could go on FOREVER!

4. I've decided that when I finally get to college I want to do something with English of History and minimize the amount of science and math I have to take because honestly don't see my self studying Quantum Physics or the velocity of a falling ball....yah de yah de yah!!

5. This week I only have three days of school and today is my second day. I can't wait for this weekend! I need to catch up with my homework...but I know that isn't going to happen!

6. I love to run. If you were to ask me why I'd probably just make you stare at me blankly in confusion. (I like the burning and aching sensation in your calf, and the endorphins make you feel really happy, but it also helps me clear my head by increasing the pain in it.) -I know! NO SENSE!!!-

And finally.....

7. Mom needs me to drive her to the post office right now so I have to go.

So long, Farewell, A Ve Der Something....Goodbye!


Johnny and Becca said...

Courtney, i love ya girl!!!! I love that musical sssooo much. You know I've been coughing and having a little sore throat. hmmm....


Tamara Wheeler said...

um...court....it is aufwiedersehn! :)

Cindy & Billy said...

A girl after my own heart. The Scarlet Pimpernel is one of my absolut favorets. (however I have been privleged to see it twice, read the book and see the move. ) All which are completly different with the same charicters. Oh and the you had to mention my favoret books. Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre.

Kay's Puppy said...

All right. I know you have a boy hidden here somewhere; where is he? Asctually, I thought you liked Tom Sawyer or Swiss Family Robinson. Nice to visit your site. Love Ya.